Reflections on Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage by William T. Cherry (2015) A retired United Methodist pastor from First Church of Lancaster writes a persuasive argument for the UMC to change its positions on homosexuality. You may access the full document in PDF form here.
Reforming Sodom: Protestants and the Rise of Gay Rights by Heather R. White (2015) A scholar of religion, history, and queer studies traces the history of liberal Protestants in the rise of homosexual identity and activism from the 1920s to the 1970s. Listen to an interview w/the author here.
Changing our Mind by David P. Gushee (2014) A leading Evangelical ethicist writes about how he changed his mind on the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the church.
The Bible's Yes to Same-Sex Marriage by Mark Achtemeier (2014) A Presbyterian minister makes his case for the Biblical support of same-sex marriage while telling the story of how he changed from his earlier condemnation of gay marriage.
Love Lost in Translation: Homosexuality and the Bible by K. Renato Lings (2013) Using linguistic and literary analysis, Lings demonstrates that many Biblical passages thought to apply to homosexuality have been wrongly interpreted.